
At St. James with Andrews Designs

I recently had the pleasure of speaking to a group of women about creating "A Space of Her Own." It was the perfect fall evening, and I could not have asked for better company.  Roughly forty-five Richmond ladies joined me as I spoke to a modern woman's passion, her need to have a space in her home that is strictly her own.  We all know how difficult it is to manage our daily lives amidst the hustle and bustle of all we are to accomplish on any given day.

Feel free to view my presentation here on my blog.  It was great fun and such an honor to be a part of the Series at St. James.  I can only hope that you all came away from it as centered and relaxed as I did. 

Thank you to Brittney, Anne and all the others who made the night such a great experience for me; and please, always remember to give yourselves permission to have your space. You've certainly earned it!​

xo,​ Jen​

A very special "Thank You" to Brittney VanDeusen for your graceful presence, accomplished watercolor and the beautiful flowers. -Jen​

A very special "Thank You" to Brittney VanDeusen for your graceful presence, accomplished watercolor and the beautiful flowers.
